>>iest yesterday was the deadline on -- murray man from ogilve, yesterday was the deadline of pullout of troops from iraqi cities and i would like to ask you to comment in your role as a member of the joint chiefs on how wellee equipped you feel the iraqi governments is, to self-governor and protect their assets? . >> i believe that the -- the timeline that we are on, and the adherence to that timeline, and the work that has gone into getting to the point where we are, by the iraqi government, by the iraqi armed forces and by the american and coalition forces, that have been on the ground, in iraq, to prepare for this day, i believe that the time is now. the -- you know, will there be violence? i'm sure that it's not going to stop. but i believe that the timeline was appropriate, and i applaud the effort of all parties to get us to that. yes, sir? sn>> i am paul hughes from the u.s. institute of peace. recently, the perry schlessinger commission released its strategic posture review report and in it made the connection between deterrents and nonproliferation activities and emphasized