now i will live in a pioneer camp with the optimistic name ogonyok what is the name of the camp ogonyok thiscamp from the school. i never let him go there, and then he just took out his soul, he says, everyone is going. and i, as a disabled person, am sitting at home, but it is very good that your son wants to live a full life. this is amazing. although he was diagnosed with a born arachnoid cyst posterior cranial wall, your son can and should live a full life. you just need to follow the necessary rules. i know not to fight, not to jump, not to fall headlong, in general, nothing is impossible. yes? no, this is exactly what you need. but no one can bis-chapter against the wall. give it to my mother, and drugs that lower intracranial pressure have not been prescribed these before. no, maybe it's worth it. to have a drink vascular diuretics and i read with such diagnosis recommend. no, it's completely redundant. he needs to swim, sunbathe and rest. uray you can swim. well, of course, you can, in my opinion, even forbids swimming. well, how are you doing? thank you olga vladimirovna we will thi