this year royal caribbean, the knight foundation, the bachelor foundation, ohl, and so many other individuals, joe and more seasoned, but throughout our community from right here at miami dade college among our student, faculty and staff, all coming together for the cause of literacy, the love of reading and miami book fair. so thank you to all of the volunteers, without whom this book fair this week and year round certainly just would not be a special event. i also want to recognized the friends of miami book fair. i'm going to ask you to waive and accept our gratitude for the many years of support and collaboration with us. as i said i look out and i see, every time i look out and issue someone else that i know, so thank you again for your collaboration. and so without further ado i'd like to welcome jack kelly, director of d operations for soh motors, and you will do some formal introduction. thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon and welcome. it's really an honor to be here supporting this, and it's our sixth year and we couldn't be happier to do it. south motors is a long-established lo