many are alleged victims f ohn merzbacher, a former teacher who wass convicted in 1995 of chiid molestation. merzbacher could soon be freee after a judge ruled his attorney's didn't tell him about thh option of a ten year plea deal back during the trial. 3 he has never admitted guilt. and now they're ready to honor this 17 years later. i don'tt believe it's right even if merzbachee's could stiil face charges ffom conviction in 3 the 21 year old baltimore man who used social media sites to find victims has een sentenced to 50 years in prison. prison.syron abdullah ... plead guilty this week tt follows the fatal stabbing of johma (yah-muh) blackwell...a teenager who was found sttbbed 32 timms ii the head, arms and torso. evidence including the victim's wii and xbox led detectives to abdullah. traces of the ttens blood was also found on abdullah's sneakees. police say he case highlights the danger of sharing personal informatiin 3n social networking websites. on monday, the city thannthree-thousand peed e - camera tckets which were issuee with inacccrate informat. information. now, we'