apolo ohno: thank you, ngozi. this is "my new favorite olympian," where we introduce you to some of the most inspiring members of team usa, not just because of how they're dominating the competition, but because of what they're doing when the cameras are off. [music playing] this season, we are profiling a handful of winter athletes who have certainly become favorites of mine, like free skier, david wise, who moved his family off the grid and started hunting for his own food to try and minimize his carbon footprint to fight climate change. or openly non-binary figure skater timothy leduc, who's using their time on the ice to make the sport more welcoming to all people, regardless of their gender identity. apolo ohno: but first, a member of team usa's women's hockey team, who's hoping her time in the spotlight will help her inspire more indigenous children to get involved in the sport she loves. abby roque's hockey dream started in her backyard in michigan's frosty upper peninsula, the up. ngozi ekeledo: in a grain