ask him down the list the table of xhonts contents i see quality and access and quality in the many oifbz. for example, in policy 2.3 i see equality in objective 3 when the city talks about green connections and looking at open spaces. and in objective one and 5 there are many mentioned of quality of parks with reference to the quality of art and engaging the quality of parks. so i want to say that the process that the planning department it's been found to be delight and inclusive. we're excited to see the rose being adapted. thank you >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm rachel i'm the director of communications for the parks alliance. i want to first aggravated assault the planning department and the rec and park staff important this incredible effort our our organization was involved from the very beginning as the neighborhood paperwork council and now as the parks alliances in convening the groups. our input has been included in the document. we have a few suggestions we'll be forwarding to you in writing before the deadline but we're looking forward to the process. in many ways this