. >> oih, oil services etf, neil.u were tking about, it's a winner. >> all right. you are going all fossil fuels. that's an interesting note there. ben. >> next go etf. mexico is a powerhouse. mexican people are an incdibly grt, productive people. let's bet on them. >> anyone worried about the mere term big old correction? what do you think? >> yes. yes. >> inlt woied. >> you worry about it, but you don't trade and invest on it. >> thank you very much. we continue now. >>> by almost every measure the american economy and american workers are better off than when i took office. >> better off than before? this week we found out the job market is stalling again, and median household income is down nearly $3,000. are you better off or not? hi, everybody. i'm david. welcome to forbes on fox. let's go in focus and find out with ci forbes, elizabeth mcdonald, mike, rick unger. on monday the president id by almost any measure the economy was better. on friday we get these