haslinda: now, go-jek is a play on an indonesian word, ojek, which is a motorbike rider.id that come about? it has to do with harvard? nadiem: yes, so i think when i was in business school, we had an independent study project. i had this idea that i always wanted to do, and so i did it first as a school project. and then in between the summers, i decided whatever, let's just try building a call center because at that time, we did not have money to build an app. so we built a call center, set up a few phones, recruited a few drivers, and i think that's how it all begin. i recruited the first 20 drivers of go-jek. then those 20 recruited the next hundred, 200 and so on. haslinda: it was slow going in the initial years though, right? for a very long time it didn't take off. nadiem: it was just a call center by phone. literally it took 30 minutes to get a go-jek because we had to call to order and then call the driver one by one to find the nearest driver, so it was a slow growth rate, but you know, it survived throughout those three years without any funding whatsoever. hasl