another thing was ojjdp, office of juvenile justice delinquent prevention. mentors against bullying. if you have that person in your county or in your state being bullied, be the mentor, stand up and say, this is what you can do it, confronting, go to the school if you have a bullying person in your school. that would really connect with them and got them okay with dealing with bullying but get it out there so they can be mentors to others. like a chain reaction. change agents, get them in position to where they treat bullying prevention to other students around their schools and state as well with. >> so, now i'm going to ask you one question that wasn't really discussed earlier. so, what was the most challenging thing you heard that people needed to have? they talked about what might be working or possible solutions, but what's a challenge that you saw/heard? we address aid couple of them, but i'm just wondering. >> we talked a lot about cyber bullying. how do you as a teacher or school prevent cyber bullying? one school we talked about, the administration