. >> the phones have been ringing nonstop at this oklahoma census office. >> what's happening with it is, it's a mock of our form. >> scam artists have distributed bogus 2010 census forms across the nation in hopes of stealing valuable, personal information. in some cases, the criminals switched the real form with a fake one, so no one realizes the crime until it's too late. >> if they got a scam form, they never got the real one either. >> how can you tell if your census form isn't the real deal? >> the social security number. that is the biggest red flag that is out there. >> official paper will never ask you for your social security number, bank account information, or signature. the real forms also have a color background and ten questions. the bogus version typically has been black and white with 5 to 9 questions. officials are worried that this and other scams may scare people away from filling out the all important forms. the u.s. census only comes out once every decade. >> the more people are accurately counted by the census, the greater the likelihood that they and their neig