oklahoma and new mexico. and they had been under a lot of different ar-coms and so i had to pretty much educate them in the history of the 90th regional support grant. then i connected, right after i'd been there a few months, i went to, asked to come and speak at the reunion of the 90th infantry division. it was being held, i think, in indianapolis, indiana. i just knew a bunch of old men got with together, didn't know anything about them. that was where i developed my respect for the 90th infantry division. and i was able to impart that respect: to all the -- to at leaders in my command. i don't want to go into too much detail, but we ended up being a part of their reunions. i took a contingent to france on -- i can't remember what anniversary of d day it was, but the -- d-day it was, but the people of perrier, france, the peninsula down in normandy, and i don't speak french so we took my daughter with us, and she turned out to be our interpretationer. anyway -- interpreter. anyway, we went down for the dedication of a monoqume in the center of this little town of perrier. we took three solders of the 90th division who had died in p