ya, at the -- oksan council, is in favavor of thee revolutionon. announcer: it is 10:00 a.m.nd oksanya is supervising a session. public representatives from the surrounding region haveve come o the e city to vototon a bundldlf neww proposals with h far-reacag efeffects. she says the supppport they have received through the ui democracy fund has helelped transform the council. announcer: the projeject was the brainchild of the western ukrainian resource center, an ananization led by organization in western ukraine. announcer: this s lack of transpsparency fueled the anger against the ousted d president o redeem, , when he canceled a cooperation agreement with the european union. ukraininians have lolong felt le they had no control over politicians, but the democracy project is helping to shift attitudes. announcer: the democracy program introduced councils from a acros ukraine to a new tooll that wowd allow constituents to watch over political proceedings. the innovation is the only streaming of counsel sessions, a standard praractice in westetern democracieies, but absent t i