right now so that it becomes strong again, we invited an expert to help answer these questions oksana svitich federal state budgetary scientific institution. research institute of vaccines and serums named after mechnikov, md, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences. i understand correctly, here it says products for immunity. if you eat just such a leg, you have immunity, it will fly right up. well, of course, the products help us restore our immunity so that it is strong, but let me show you how our immunity works normally. here is our wall. katya, and here it is, here, the viruses of which there are a lot of people and we are in contact with them every day. you see how our immunity. katya just coped with the viruses. this is how the immune system works. but what happens to us when the immune system is weakened? why is it weakened, for example, in the winter season we have a whole range of factors that weaken our immunity, and we will talk about this first of all. we can talk about the effects of cold on the depletion of the nasal mucosa, and the deficiency of vitamin d. what