do it, it required a certain amount of courage, and you have to give credit to minister oksen vasyliovych lisovyi, he decided to take this step and such a reform has been worked out, and i hope that within some time, resources will be found for this reform, and this is a good motivation for the teacher, but that is not all, and frankly , our experience shows that, because we are the state service for the quality of education, we we conduct together, again with our colleagues from the ukrainian center for the evaluation of the quality of education , a procedure called teacher certification, we have been conducting this procedure for the sixth year already, it is an evaluation of the teacher's work with external experts, that is, not his colleagues from his own school, and a special expert group is being formed, these experts undergo special training, they evaluate the work of the teacher, and upon successful completion of such certification, the teacher receives a salary increase of two. also a lot, and this allowance is valid for three years, that is, if you sum it up over three years, it is such