an age, old canard. not something that is new or has resulted from the middle east conflict. it is an old notion that has been given new life and has become a near universally believed in many countries and cultures in the middle east, and elsewhere. we should note that this is a kind of belief that dehumanizes the people, the jews in this case. they're the children of apes and pigs. they're not really human beings. it's a classic case of dehumanization; move away from middle east. and you find that there are people who are charging, particularly in the context of the iraq war, that a jewish cabal is running the united states and running great britain, the united kingdom, and pushing each country to war. another fantastical motion, that a cabal of jews would dupe the leaders of the united states, these heard-bitten practitioners of reality, or the uk, and drive the countries head long into war when they would not have otherwise gone there. this is a different kind of belief. it's not a dehumanizing belief. after all, the jews are not deemed to be less than human or lack funda