meet 96-yeaa old feen &pschurr... and 83-year old pau just over a year ago.and as er - far as they're concerned... they tied the knot with plenty "we used to eat meal togethee all the time then suddenly there she waa and it became &pevident that she was thd one wanted to be with." "" livv him because he's a gentleman he kind." the pair has some words off addice... for ttose looking for love."it's never too late... and you're never too old." edition... 5 blown tires...and transmission... (13:24:24) tired of dealing with city sttrets for survival.. survival."fiid outt hy our worse...uld get a whooe lot wor- 3((break 1)) ((bumppin)) 3(ad lib meteorologist)) mapraffic reporter ad liis)) 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... maryland....and itts rocky roads... roads...ii seems a lot of times i'm watching potholes more than other drivers in the " ccty...."but find out our road problems.. are just beginning. ((bump ut)) ((break bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my sty