i’ll go myself and see how busy he is, yes, i understand, oleg alexandrovich, i’m doing, wow, look, he’t guess, i didn’t call, they called me, but you named the city correctly, who did you talk to oleshka , it doesn't matter what you wanted. yes, i have such, you know, a trivial question, here i am i think, how did it happen, well, you lived, lived, worked, honestly, didn’t push anyone with your elbows, then suddenly one day, the apartment is new, big, right after the murder of panicheva, and the suicide of her monster husband, and he was really from... “i don’t even know what to answer you, i understand, but you answer the truth, you’ll see, it’ll make you feel better, okay, it’s true, it’s true, the fact is that you were suspended, the order was signed half an hour ago, and i’m very glad that i can be the first to tell this news to you, but it’s not news to me, is it too early? rejoice while it's still time yes, can you come up with some kind of good story about an apartment? “i’m not going to cry, great, hi, hi, we were already at the hospital, they just didn’t let us in, they are g