veda they have nobody. 1893 telephone tata, surrendered with a justifiable court of technology, oleg dzhabskyot a court. it’s just that since the birth of the sovereign hu, minsk, the word hello, rami has ripped through than in many smaller cities already in 1880, another horde foot line has been riddled with a fire station and a tower, then it has come a ball of police on the sides of de formidable important installations. the one with the telephone hutka will show up in odd quarters. yes, you do not believe no one aleu-8 1.893 city government, but there was a new telephone exchange for private subscribers in 1895 near minsk from a darker loran and rapt at the winter day did not fill up with likhtars, by the way, not faded kerosene, but bright ones. little sony hai would lightly said to the prince on the ways of the toad, he understood this phrase yak 's order. yes, the ideas to open the cumin power plant were skeptical about the menchuks over the todor; and london's alet, where london is puffed up. and where is minsk jab and here you know what to withdraw the city or the woman, what he didn