, and then somehow he told me, oleg, of course i can sing the way you tell me, but it will be oleg eliseenkoears. how we know good and sleep together in our meetings. the ensemble... was created in the early 70s at the prygomel abbas philharmonic, of course, at that time the ensemble did not have its own name, no, it had a name. anatoly yarmolenka has a collection called songs above the compressor. there, bavalaika, domry, there bayan, well, the hawks were trying. in general , he didn’t have his own repertoire yet, he was also at the beginning of glorious things, he used the songs of valery abadinsky, which he generally succeeded in, well, even more so obadinsky was very popular then, then bassist tol schitov came, with whom he was so obsessed with vio, so the two of us began working together to ensure that this band turned into vio. anatoly shchitov, with his enthusiasm and desire to create via, he motivated me all the time. they gradually replaced domras with guitars, then gradually introduced keyboard instruments, and when i came to this group in seventy-four, we rented some kind of room