twenty-one-year-old oleg gusarevich suffered the most.serious injuries to internal organs. he... a cigarette, i asked him to remove his hand in response, so he kind of pats me on the shoulder, that is, he stood like that for about 15-20 seconds, probably, after which he, well, attacked, my son feels no matter, the doctors said that an operation was planned, judging by what i saw, the person there simply already believed that he on the market, he scattered everyone, everyone , did not take anyone into account, two security guards suffered a lot, one manager, thirty-eight-year-old nikita ivanov, a former european boxing champion, an international master of sports, started a brawl. according to the brewery employees, nikita ivanov was a frequent guest here; that evening he sat at table number 514 with his wife, drank a lot of alcohol, and at some point he did not like the behavior of the people at the next table. the argument continued on the street. at some point, the boxer suddenly took out a traumatic pistol and opened random fire at peop