oleg gusev my yoga teacher, happiness luck interestingly, chinese characters mean happiness and good that your husband is in the know. please, i ask you not to speak. start meeting him here at the mall, right? in the cafe, i had to explain myself to any department of cosmetics. you didn't go just met your lover and lost your son to an ex-lover. it does not matter. your son knows him by sight. he never saw him today. mom, where did i tell you to wait for me, who are we familiar with? let's go? what, then we dispersed, went back to the playground. no, i went to look for a store. where did the goose go? i dont know. everything is clear, i need gusev's address. what do you suspect? not? i want the family to work out my phone on a business card. this is for your memory. why would oleg steal yasha? so i'll just ask him. ask lucy to collect all the information. girls to the top of the mat feet together heels together big toes together and reach for we reach for the sun, look at the thumbs exhale inhale deflection and inhale bent over inhale exhale exhale become fixed. good. we stand well, w