families of the victims, two of of which the rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations, oleg kolmykovues , who was only 36 years old, he worked in the balashikha fire and rescue department for 10 years in 2011, and literally three weeks before oleg’s death, his long-awaited son was born. the second rescuer who died during the second collapse was forty-two-year-old magomed nalgiev. relatives are in the studio, magomed, his nephew, abdurrahman, please accept our condolences. how did it happen that lydia, magomed’s mother, raised him alone? father he died, he died in ninety-six, he was 15 years old, when he was left without a father , of course, this cannot be compared with anything, the loss of a husband, he raised him with dignity, today he lost his youngest son, the closest one, they always happen closer, today it’s hard, it’s very difficult to relive this pain, this tragedy, let ’s listen to what your colleagues said about your uncle, for whom his death was also a tragedy, but are there any dead? physically he was very strong, he could move a car himself, he could move slabs himself,