published previously classified materials from interrogations of participants in the execution of oleg koshilov and lyubov shevtsova. found its place, on the other hand, it also became an amazing sign of respect for the entire young guard organization, including viktorushch tritikevich, who first joined the heroes of the young guard. six heroes of the soviet union, here is a hero of the russian federation. eighteen-year-old viktor tretyakevich arrived in krasnodon, occupied by the nazis, where he was still before the war, his family lived from a partisan detachment. having already undergone baptism of fire, he... organically joined the spontaneous underground movement of local youth who did not want to put up with the occupiers. after studying the entire complex of documents in which the russian military-historical society participated, here allowed us to make an unambiguous conclusion that viktor tryatevich, he is a hero, he made plans, and the oath of the young guard, and as a commissar, he carried out a huge amount of work in the field and organization and combat operations. but in the lists