oleg, we have very limited time, sorry, one and a half minutes for vitaly kulik, the difference between putin and the russians do they understand in the west, is it now one thing, that is, that it is necessary to fight not only against... no, so far there is no such total understanding, part of the political establishment of the west is trying to divide the putin regime and the russian people, and there is also a country, and there is a state, and here is the russian people, which is under the occupation of this putin regime, and it is necessary to wake them up, somehow motivate them, send signals, no... to clarify, this line is preserved , absolutely, it is discussed in many statements and messages, the way good russians are treated in the so-called opposition in the countries of western europe, this is also an indicator, so it is about this understanding that we are talking about actually fascist society, the society of a sect for which... there are no other options except shock therapy, well, in the grand scheme of things, there is absolutely no such thing yet, but more and more poli