already hit the jackpot, to the shouts of happiness and applause, acquired a wonderful... chairman oleg maslovs signature number of comparatively honestly taking money from the population, so you need to take a step, the first thousand, then pay an extra 11, then start at 5600 or... put off more, whoever can, someone contributed up to 4 million, someone contributed 1.5 million, they promised a loan to buy an apartment, what's the point if i pay money and they promise me a loan, huh? the loan is at the expense of these same contributions the cooperative website promises quote: moving into an apartment upon accumulation of 10-50% of the cost, you only need to pay membership fees attention, invite friends, here is a detailed recruitment instruction: first - call your friend, second - in passing find out where he lives and what his living conditions are, or find out if he has a mortgage, third - ask if he wants to improve his living... conditions, fourth, show him this website, and the person says: look, i have 2 million rubles there. i don’t know how to invite anyone, i don’t know anything i want