would probably receive first place in the category high technology, and the helm of this farm is oleg nechvidyukrnoon, welcome, hello, our, of course, vineyard, olive oil and, of course , a magnificent winery, which goes 26 m underground, and in a gravity format, the upper tier, which is a walking lake, and under it is 32,000 square meters. art of space and the production process , which we will look at, using different levels, using force, gravity and gravity, the grapes go first into juice, then into wine, at the very bottom we have bottling, why is this needed, to have less impact and grind the berry, skin, juice, in order to get a more elegant, thinner, more balanced in now we enter a floating cube, as if suspended in the air and we are reflected in the mirrors, the concept is that we are all reflected in each other, everything is reflected in us. my father is an energy engineer, and so it was planned to move towards energy. i took courses for about a year, taught how to hertz, vat, ohm, honestly, the profession of a programmer was becoming in demand, grades good, loved mathematics, passed t