that he decided to simply kill the judge of the bogorodchansky district court of ivano-frankivsk oleg shyshkoo was considering his case. the attacker attached a grenade. to the garage door so that it would detonate when the garage was opened, but the judge noticed the device, the grenade did not explode. the investigation of the case was completed only recently. it was possible to prove the criminal's guilt with the help of dna tests. for an attempt on a judge from prykarpattia, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. he must also pay the judge uah 2,500 in moral damages. judge of the dzerzhinsk district court of kharkiv serhii lazyuk, sentenced to seven years. deprivation of liberty with confiscation of property for a bribe mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the appellate chamber of the higher anti-corruption court suspended the appeal against the verdict at the request of the judge's lawyer. thus, the case is stopped. it will be recalled that law enforcement officers have been investigating serhii lazyuk's bribery since 2015. then he demanded and received $300 for a judg