i want to change my testimony, i said earlier that oleg verishchagin came to me on the night of lika’ i understood, well , thank you very much for the valuable information, and can you clarify one more thing, yes, of course, i heard your conversation completely by accident. you told oleg that lika cheated, yes, but no one knows about it, i just accidentally caught, not with this guy, no, but that second guy definitely had dealings with this guy, can you name the name of guy number two? your mother, she registered him through the left proxy, and now i found him in the backdoor with nifer, damn it, listen, let’s quit, and i ask you, don’t interfere, quietly, yes, where are you, are you all right? yes, i’m with anton, we’re here, in general, we’re safe, well, yes, anton is still a superman, but still better than being completely out of security. and yes, astar, i discovered that last night there was almost no gasoline in my car ended. i don’t feel sorry, but next time, if you come to use it, just ask. who are you talking to? yes, eduard petrovich. i understand you, your professor is worr