marathon only news anastasia daugola is ready to tell you the latest news after the news release oleksandr porosyanik will continue the broadcast well, i say goodbye to you today are faithful to the armed forces of ukraine, we will launch paras, we will win and you are not to blame, together we are the strong air forces of ukraine standing on the defense of the sky space of our state, highly maneuverable and mobile units destroy the enemy in the air on land and at sea during the war, the air force proved its loyalty to the ukrainian people and showed that neither on earth nor in the sky will the occupier have peace because borscht but victory will be a genre because of the war in ukraine, all the stadiums fell silent that the russian shelling broke the silence, the explosions of russian rockets and russian phosphorus bombs broke the silence, the screams of ukrainian women and the tears of ukrainian children, the majority of russian athletes fell silent, this silence continues to kill ukrainians, ukrainian stadiums fell silent however, we sportsmen of the whole world should not remain silent calls on