live here the whole family agrees with me, we administer and departed we learn that mikhail and olesich piren and recited at once by the children of the laver family, 10 of them have volleyball chess zaprostanovlenie family dream danil and peaks. mom and i love to cook pancakes for the whole family. we do a lot. mother helps and in the kitchen, the lads, together with the father , put things in order at the yard. mikhail, completing ramon at home. laying the tile himself, leaving the facades to be sewn in , and we gather the young of the older children to school , prepare breakfast for them, then the kids wake up, fall asleep in the youngest yura, and our daily mess begins. at youth olesya laverov. marvel to become a journalist self-proclaimed from the meat newspaper alley co- proud with the title you became a mother to cope with once with ten. not just voosim, podmymlivaya husband's mind from hemming in nature to fish, going on the road in the hallways of the meats near the notch, they went, they fell, wedged bread, the robots are small. zhenya was seized by a combine harvester , published