good morning olga adilevna.liver is a hereditary disease. by itself, cirrhosis is not a hereditary disease, but the diseases that are given to the rose are hereditary. what is cirrhosis of the liver anyway? here, let's see. here we have a healthy liver. and here, what is the structure of the liver with cirrhosis, what happens? only separately. imagine, a place of a cut, and a scar is formed on this place. here is the same scar connective tissue that can replace normal liver cells and, accordingly, the liver no longer performs its function. because of what this can happen, the reasons that lead to this are the most common in the world - this is a pandemic according to su. the case is the deposition of fat cells in the liver tissue, not alcohol, as everyone used to think , far from alcohol. let's see what are the risk factors the most common risk factor for fatty liver disease is an inflammatory chronic inflammatory process, and it can be anywhere. it could be, uh continuous use of medications. it can be some kind