preparing to learn the ringing of bells, the only professional diocesan bell ringer in the region, olga kudryshova, instructs them before they start ringing all the bells, in the cold they need them to warm. you can do anything , but little by little, the bells are very fragile and very easy to split, especially in frost or when it starts to pour, even quieter, quieter, of course, it doesn’t work right away, you can still feel the combat power of the hands of future pilots, but olga admits, of all her students... these most grateful, army regulations, discipline, dmitry alexander listen to every word of the teacher and every sound of the bell. slightly, quietly gradually, increase the sound, quietly, quietly, quietly, and louder, louder, louder, louder increase, motor skills, the most what was difficult was that it was necessary to connect both the right and the left, then a leg was also added, and now the first decent chime came out of the bell, like conductor olga directing an army orchestra. the difficulties were in connecting apazon kolak, called fists and chime, while the body has different m