olga popikova worked as a judge in the higher economic court at the time when a large criminal schemeg interference in the automated system of distribution of cases for in the period from 2011 to 2013, investigators established more than 20,000 cases of interference that made it possible for cases to fall to specific judges, and the state suffered many millions of losses. i personally did not know of any cases , because if i knew about it as a mother , i would report evidence that olga popikova took participation in a criminal scheme and there really is no, however, there are doubts that working for seven years in the court one can not notice the implementation of such a large-scale criminal scheme . square meters and you did not indicate how much it costs until now, have you made these changes to the declaration no, i did not wear it if it is definitely public, this is an interesting answer because this apartment could have been owned by him in 2000, but my parents came to kyiv and since they lived in this apartment, my father gave it to me and he as a close relative, it is not taxed