this was starkly brought home to all of us in recent weeks with the case of oliver bridgeman, an 18-year-old gold coast student who had recently returned. and then was radicalized and is now we believe suspected of joining a terrorist organization overseas. it provides us with a stark reminder of the challenges that we face at every facet of our society. so last friday i asked the education minister's council to state and join with the commonwealth in devising a strategy around the deradicalization of at-risk students at school. while steps were made, there was some movement, there was not the sense of urgency that i think the australian people demand from their government, state, territory, and commonwealth. we want to work with the states and territory on a number of different measures. we need to create the resources for teachers and for schools that provide information that identify at-risk students that tell the teachers and principals where to get help and to provide advice in emergency situations. we also need to provide resources to parents to be able to see the signs of at-risk chil