coming up, we will look at retail america with oliver chen from cowan.berg. ♪ ♪ morning, everyone, bloomberg "surveillance." thank you for being with us from your homes, tv out on the terminal. we greatly appreciate your attendance in this crisis. he charm of oliver chen, lives the spirit of retail and the in-store experience. he is great at walking into a store and sizing it up differently than the way i would size it up. acclaimed moment when oliver chen went down to soho and walked into glossy a -- and said, this is going to be a big deal. the headlines of the last 24 hours are not surprising. it is furloughs. let me ask the basic question. do those people get to go back to work at some point? .liver: we hope so the point of the furlough is to keep people on staff but take a pause because liquidity is a problem. for department stores, we think they have five to eight months of closures before it becomes serious. the big question is what the pace of recovery will be. l.lett bv, you, or u, or be v, for the threeood major players? i know everyt