a native genius, oliver evans, designs a new mill in which the great wooden wheel powers a completelytion. grain going in one hand, flour coming out the other. inventors of the 19th century are ingenious at finding new ways to use the energy of falling water. but their great achievement is using fire to make steam generating undreamed of mechanical energy. early steam engines give way to higher pressure models. strong steam they call it. fired by wood or coal, the engines quickly prove their power to run machines. when steam is needed to turn wheels, the conquest of energy becomes the conquest of distance. ♪ ♪ the steam engine. grows paddles. coal burning engines offered more dependable power than sails. at first, they are slower than the new sailing clippers. but by 1840, have crossed the atlantic in 18 days. labor hungry farmers are cheering new machines. the reaper, the binder, the cultivator, in 100 variations. the spreading network of rails starts some 49ers west as far as the tracks go. just over the western horizon is a greater treasure. harvests of grain increase 1000-fold and