commodore oliver h. perry is the regional flag is here which he flew on his flagship the lawrence at the victorious battle of lake erie. reminders of that great civil, a naval fight between the monitor and the at hampton roads, virginia the first ironclad which changed all naval history. admiral dewey is in this naval hall of fame. but our future naval officers can, in his exploits aboard his flagship the olympia at the battle of manila bay. you may fire when you are ready gridley. another battle cry that has become history and that annapolis today as an inspiration to new ranks of mit is dewey's own signal flags call again for freedom. the philippines yes rank after rank these fine young men and thousands of others from civil life are consecrated to the ideals of fighting navy and to the defense of our country. but all is not. and drills or classroom work in the making of a naval officer and the navy starting young. these youngsters are sons of officers stationed at the naval academy as instructors, and they