and then, people in the past, like oliver luby and joe linn will say we've waited and waited, and now the tide is turning. it's like water. slowly, it goes up, and then, it floats, a chunk, to the top, because basically, that's what people are waiting for. they want a real football team that's not playing with the j.v. like the previous director. it's obvious you mean business, and people will come and complaint and give you the proof just like the u.s. gymnasts for the women's squad. one doctor was able to shut them up until a couple of women got brave, and another stepped forward, another stepped forward, and we see what's happening. so the same thing is going to happen in san francisco. people are not going to say well, chicago is corrupt, new orleans is corrupt. they're going to start saying san francisco's corrupt because we're going to make a difference. and let's put it this way: there's plenty of people that did all the legwork in the previous years, and they will be cheering you on. and let's put it this way: i think the commission is ready to handle something so sensitive, n