and i would go back, i think, to oliver wendell holmes on this. he was this judge who lived, you know, in the early 20th century. hated a lot of the legislation that was being enacted during those years but insisted that if the people wanted it, it was their right to go hang themselves. >> okay. >> now that's not always the case. but there is substantial deaf rens -- >> i want to give you another can. what if i seed eating three fruits and three vegetable was cut health care costs 20%. now we're into commerce. and since the government pays 65% of all the health care costs, why isn't that constitutional? >> senator coburn, i feel as though the principles that i've given you or the principles that the court should apply with -- >> i have a problem with that. because if we're going to hang ourselves and as our founders, three of the critical authors of our constitution thought the judiciary had a reason to smack us down and as oliver wendell holmes if we want to do stupid stuff, question do stupid stuff. i disagree. that's not activism. that's lookin