i know chief rivera, olivia scanlon has helped to. there's better communications, and we're keeping on top of things and making sure they stay on top of things, so that's working out well. bureau equipment, we ordered, i believe, is it two trucks, i believe, and six engines? three trucks and six engines. we've also received, and i know they're grateful because they're old, two new passenger vans for training. they've arrived, and they're just getting outfitted. we're taking note that central shop has moved to a new location in the city, 555 selby street, so those are where our rigs will bow when they need repair and maintenance. station 35, i reported at the last meeting, we attended -- it was a huge hurdle really with bcdc. commissioner hardeman was there, and they approved a permit which was a big step in the process, and so we're moving forward on that project. we're looking at final completion. new station very late part of 2020, and there's artwork that goes along with that, too, so we're in the process of assisting in selecting