>> and i thhnk ttat's truee3 across the bord with yyung i was at an ventt a ollegg park, maryland aatttepaccice or rrliggon ann toohold wheneevrrreeiggous belieff3- equulll under tte llw otherwise theee's no freedomof religiin ultimmtely so that waa reeall thee3 úqqality and theefreeddm to practice your religion aa yoo hooss are reellyy-- >> hand ii handd and that the greetest&--úliberty is the ppoteccion of& inddvvdual ccnnccencc.&- and thht no child'sshomee33 than another chill'sshooe. -úann ittwassaa lrge paac to&&- which we invited poole. únd here were courageous&-bbthhleeders of pretty& prooinent,,predommnantlyy3& úarrcaanaaeriian churches in - alltimre and othee countiis - hat steppee forward ann cclleddpeople tt tht highhrr33 -úpllce.3 >> thh black community andd úhsppnic commmnity have cooe& ssae sex maariaaeeaad forr3 -úcivil niins thiss leccion úounselor ussullyycooing up3 vulneeable nddalls tte33&&--úússwell.&&- úo ii waa a vvey rradd coalitionn butt ccolltiin&- offthe aasendent. and iittiik it represenns -- úhattyyu ssw ii civil3 battle in that larger arc f moreeprosperous an