there were the two most highly decorated marine platoon leaders in vietnam were jim webb and ollie north jim wrote a novel that is still fond of as one of the great war novels come a very different cup of tea status the right expression from catch-22 called field of fire, and jim royte this appreciation in "the wall street journal" and its quoted at some length in the introduction, and he recounts being in the ninth circle of hell coming he and his platoon has been taking terrible casualties. he said their insides were crawling with hookworms and bad water we had been drinking, and in the midst of this blood and misery and death he hears someone shouting in this foxhole and saying you've got to read this, you've got to read this, and it is a tattered copy of catch-22, and he had read the book of growing up as an air force brat on the base in nebraska but he said he devoured it, his men were passing it around and he said it didn't matter to me at all that i was reading a book that -- and these are his words, it was protesting the very war i was fighting. the book had been written in 1961