i want to ask you if you are familiar with the olmstead case. it deals with disability law. are you prepared to talk about it today? >> i am not an expert on it. >> okay. let me ask you a few questions. in my state, we have a number of homes, institutions, for the developmentally disabled. around the country, there have been a number of lawsuits against some of these homes, alleging violations of civil rights. in some instances, these lawsuits are filed with the view that the olmstead case contemplates a structure where the institutions are phased out, and that individuals who are disabled, intellectually disabled, developmentally disabled, those individuals are moved into more community-based care. >> my state has been, in arkansas, has been the subject of some of these lawsuits. first of all, i wanted to ask, do you believe that the olmstead case requires a movement away from the institutional care for the developmentally disabled, or do you believe that these inst