i've got judy writing me from olney, granddaughter's 4-year-old birthday party and bounce house and all sorts of stuff. please get the rain out of here. she wrote me on the facebook page, join me there as well. i love to aner questions and time everything out for you. we're working for you here. i'll try to get the rain showers out for her birthday party. ved, again, we haeen a few showers out there now with this first wave. so a lot of this is passing to the east. not everybody is seeing it. then clearing back behind here. look at thiswe have an isolated shower along i-81. this is all ahead of a frontal system. this frontal system is goinggo head and pass on through. right around the allegheny mountains now. this is going to move on through. could spark a few mor isolated showers as we go through the middle part of the day. a 20% chance that you'll see where you are. one thuing i will say, it will e breezy. winds are light. up, l see the winds kick gusts up to 30 miles an hour as we go through the day today, dying down late tonight. we'll talk about the timing and time it out for you t