the case against trump's national security advisor bolton when bolton setout to write a book crit olof president trump. trump apparently demanded the justice department go after bolton. it was jeffrey wroezen who led the justice department in that effort to in fact put the power of the u.s. justice department into an effort to go after bolton. it was also jeffrey rosen who decided ryan zinke shouldn't be prosecuted and career prosecutors convened a grand jury in that case. it was jeffrey rosen who kiboshed that. it was jeffrey rosen who intervened with prison officials to make sure that trump campaign chairman paul manafort would not have to set a delicate foot inside the jail on rikers island like any other prisoner would have had to do if that prisoner was in federal custody but also facing criminal charges in new york state court. it was jeffrey rosen who intervened to make surem manafot wouldn't have to go to rikers. the crime of trying to overthrow the u.s. government, that was jeffrey rosen who wrote to prosecutors to tell them that's how they should treat anti-racism protesters.