. >> supervisors, olson lee, director of mayor's office of housing. as director updike mentioned we're very early in the process, and the level of affordability specified in these agreements are related to the use of taxes and bonds for the financing of this development. so, these units will be affordable. at no greater than 50% of median income. so, they're going to be relatively affordable. and i presume that the workers of good will would be income eligible for those, those particular units. one of the questions is, you know, are they, in fact, low enough to actually serve those employees. but the base obligation for any new multi-family development based upon prop c is 12%. and, so, this is an increase in that air of affordability by 8 percentage points. so, there are going to be over 130 units of affordable housing here at 50% of income for which the mayor's office of housing community development is not subsidizing it. and we will actually be the other party responsible for issuing the bonds and monitoring the ongoing affordability and ensuring