head city to apply olya palatsa for sports.hat he is the year of new locations for business noise, immediately two upper cities and rakovskoe prodmesie. we will try to diversify our catering products . well. we do snowboarding on the fact that we still have winter on the street, we celebrate the new year christmas, respectively, the food and drinks will be of the same plan. tea, coffee, various gingerbread , cakes, and pastries, of course, not all citizens are ready to travel to the center. so , accordingly, each district of the city of minsk organizes, next to its main christmas tree, also certain points of attraction to trust from here and give in frosty. get me to zarosymknutsya at the entire organization and enterprise of your city. conduct master classes and exhibitions to collapse photo zones. such a lamp hat the atmosphere at that postal salon, the christmas tree here is snowy, golden temples, and with feathers and handmade, the designers themselves became the separators of the snowflake. and anyula. balloons for the who