there we áwo nations and those two perpowers were necessa to bring about@tdunits apchthe dawes an pat om iowake to ask you this if thishen when thisisease progrs#s somes we get very confused in that part of is is cutaway i don't ow what the diase is buá i have a et good idewe getery confused will fa,her take that into nside)ation d still forgive us absolely our avenly father áhe most fairest love the pson you could ever meet in your life he he he is not a respect r of rsogs you alwayset wt u got coventry and if you are ill or by you make mistakes to the next innocent he not hold that against you fo glad yo the teaching of this would be you ad or d f)om micn and thank you quon when we die our flesh we returned to our father insnt wted our savioravto wait three days the two valokr mistake he waited three days in paradise teaing thosonhe opposite se he was in parase noá the to d i' out of, ve your cause you egjoy sáudyi up on word multiple god love you for it makes s day agd wheg you i'm talking to yok me his day was even me ur shooting, we are aroht to yoby your ti and offings if have helped yo