others thirty two year old midfielder moderate has been held along with former general midfielder omar millen that's all while the events of i'm tony akong say who has just left the club to the syria in his first season in charge is also being questioned police are searching more than thirty homes of players coaches and club administrators from across the divisions and also visited its amazing training camp coach from delhi was set to announce his squad this monday but a top official has now said that fifteen cap christians all will not make the final twenty three man squad. but if i explain to them you can shoot my i'm not talking to him because he would have experienced through the media pressure to move human can do what he's not at peace at all because we saw him and it is impossible for him to prepare for such an important match another reason is that he needs to be heard in court maybe even before a match which would have been an additional problem is that a squad was traded to twenty five players ahead of the european championship in poland and ukraine as he is not a friend that he tol