in numbi, we met ombeni chikala, a supervisor at a local tin mine. for 15 years, he's made his living as a miner starting as a digger and working his way up. >> on the day we visited ombeni's mine site, agents logged and tagged a 6 kilo bag of tin, a process required for every single mineral shipment leaving congo to be legally sold in the west. >> have you heard of the dodd-frank law? >> what do you think of it? >> are miners across this region affected by the system of traceability and by the dodd-frank law? >> jean ngerageze is the president of a local mining cooperative. >> we asked jean how miners here were able to make a living before the site was certified. >> did you have the same system six months ago? >> nyabibwe is the mine that was held up as a model by western companies. >> so before this mine was certified, minerals would be brought there and tagged as if they were part of nyabibwe's production? >> we're in bukavu, the capital of south kivu to meet with abbas kayonga. abbas heads the the anti-fraud division of the ministry of mines here